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Knowledge Contest Promotes Protection of Women's Rights

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Knowledge Contest Promotes Protection of Women's Rights

ByYao Yao and Lei Yang June 27, 2022

Hebei Women's Federation and eight departments, including the Committee of Legal Affairs of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee, Hebei Higher People's Court and Hebei Provincial Health Commission, in March held an online-knowledge contest regarding the protection of women's rights.

The purpose of the contest was to enhance people's understanding of how to use the law to protect their rights. The questions presented involved various laws and regulations, including the Constitution, the Civil Code, laws on the protection of women's and minors' rights and interests, and Hebei's regulations involving the protection of women's rights and interests. On WeChat, each participant was able to answer 10 questions per session, up to three times per day. A total of 208,135 people participated in the contest over four days.


(Women of China English Monthly April 2022 issue)


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